Jean-Paul Davalan.
A toolkit for graph editors and graph
Programming the Graphlet graph editor
AGD is based on LEDA, so you may need to
LEDA as well. In order to use libAGDopt, which
contains some optimal algorithms, you will also need to
Hamiltonian cycle and path problems,
their generalizations and variations.
by Joseph Culberson.
Here are the archives for the book "Graph
Coloring Problems" by Tommy R. Jensen and Bjarne Toft
(Wiley Interscience 1995), dedicated to Paul Erdös.
ABACUS is a software system which
provides a framework for the implementation of
branch-and-bound algorithms using linear programming
relaxations that can be complemented with the dynamic
generation of cutting planes or columns (branch-and-cut,
branch-and-price, branch-and-cut-and-price).
The problem of label placement is usually
divided into point labeling (e.g. cities with horizontal
labels) line labeling (rivers with tilted labels) area
labeling (countries with curved labels) but there are also
algorithms for the general labeling problem
Hamiltonian cycle and path problems,
their generalizations and variations.
Jonathan Gross Jay Yellen
Mathématiques pour l'Informatique,
algorithmique, combinatoire, automates, langages formels,
grammaires de graphes.
ASSOCIATIONSGrap is a language for typesetting graphs
specified and first implemented by Brian Kernigan and Jon
Bentley at Bell Labs. It is an expressive language for
describing graphs an incorporating them in typeset
documents. It is implemented an a preprocessor to
Kernigan's pic language for describing languages, so any
system that can use pic can use grap. For sure, TeX and
groff can use it.
Open questions
EXERCICES - EXERCISESWlodek Bryc and Stephan Pelikan
ALGORITHMESThis is a continuously updated catalog of
approximability results for NP optimization problems. The
compendium is also a part of the book Complexity and
par Didier Müller, Lycée cantonal de
DEMOSRecherche du plus court chemin.
Algorithme de Dijkstra.
Compléter ou modifier P0, M et k.
L'exemple est identique à celui des
Graphes probabilistes Les données sont celles de
l'activité 12 p. 278 du livre. Tous les calculs peuvent
être effectués hors connexion, les calculs sont effectués
par le navigateur qui interprète le programme écrit en
javascript et contenu dans la page.
Peut aussi servir à calculer un puissance
quelconque de n'importe quelle matrice carrée.
Entrer le graphe en s'inspirant de
EXEMPLES - EXAMPLESDOT and DOTTY are graph layout products
from AT&T Bell Labs. DOT is a Unix filter that takes a
DOT language file specifying the objects in a directed
graph and output a optimal (in some sense) layout of the
objects in one of a number of formats including Postscript
and Maker Interchange Format (MIF).
Interface for DOT This service is only intended for
demonstration purposes.
Michel Couprie, Gilles Bertrand
programmes C pour manipuler des graphes,
Ballades dans le métro (RATP : citéfutée)
Exemple de fichier PostScript, tableau,
graphe et diagramme de GANTT
A highly portable collection of programs
and data is now available to researchers who study
combinatorial algorithms and data structures.
The programs are intended to be
interesting in themselves as examples of ``literate
programming.'' Thus, the Stanford GraphBase can also be
regarded as a collection of approximately 30 essays for
programmers to enjoy reading, whether or not they are
doing algorithmic research.
s a software package for graphs,
digraphs, combinatorial designs, and their automorphism
groups. New in version 2.5 is support for vertex-coloured
graphs, and for configurations in the real projective
plane. Some of the features of G&G are...
Joseph Culberson
The Graph Layout Toolkit is a graphics
system-independent component that allows you to visualize
your relational data through the use of a sophisticated
graph management system, object positioning libraries, and
diagram editing APIs.
is a system dedicated to the
visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with a
number of elements(node and edges) up to 500.000 on a
personal computer(PIII 600, with 256mo).
General Public License
PROGRAMMES Génère et résoud des exemples pour la
méthode PERT. Texte, tables, graphes, diagrammes de GANTT
Jean-Paul Davalan
Mike Hazelwood University of Nebraska at
This package enables a user to create a
graph by adding nodes and edges through a graphical user
interface. After a graph has been created, the user can
then execute several different graph algorithms.
PERLMkfunctmap is a Perl script that produces
a graphical map of functions and function calls in a C
program that was written by James Hoagland. Only those
calls made to functions within the program are mapped out,
so "printf" calls would not show up on the map. The
functions that are in the same file (module) are shown
grouped together.
LIVRES - BOOKSJerry Spinrad A draft of my book
(December 9, 1997) in postscript is
here. Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235, USA
Reinhard Diestel
A propos de la Conjecture Forte des
Graphes Parfaits pour les graphes circulaires
by Russell Easterly October 7, 1999
by Russell Easterly February 1 2000
Neil Robertson; Daniel P. Sanders; Paul
Seymour; Robin Thomas
A 27-vertex graph that is vertex-transitive and edge-transitive but not 1-transitive
Dans cet article, on examine d'abord le
concept de relation d'appartenance et sa signification
théorique. Ensuite, on définit le concept de place et
celui de réseau de places, dont on analyse les propriétés
Combinatoire Invariants algébriques de graphes et reconstruction
Maurice Pouzet et Nicolas M. Thiéry
Stanislaw P. Radziszowski
Stanislaw Radziszowski (The El. J. of
A Survey of Venn Diagrams Frank Ruskey
J. Adrian Bondy
une publication de Laurent Chéno.
COURS - COURSESD. Sarni - L. Lemarchand
Jean Fruitet Université de
Graphes, Graphe non orienté ...
Gordon Royle Department of Computer
Science The University of Western Australia.
Chris K. Caldwell (C) 1995
Joseph Culberson
written entirely in the GAP language,
except for the automorphism group and isomorphism testing
gap> RequirePackage( "grape" );
AGD offers a broad range of existing
algorithms for two-dimensional graph drawing and tools for
implementing new algorithms. It is a product of a
cooperation of groups in Halle, Köln, Saarbrücken, and
Wien, and originated from the DFG-funded project "Design,
Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation of Graph Drawing
Algorithms" in 1995-2000. Currently, AGD is further
developed by the groups in Köln and Wien.
The AGD is available as library and/or
within a complete easy-to-use demo program. It is
publically (free) available for academic use.
CONFÉRENCESThirty-first Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing
March 13-17, 2000
ist is for informal, collegial discussion
of the latest research advances, and especially newsworthy
cutting-edge or breakthrough developments, in the hardest
problems in computation and mathematics. Topics are the
famous and most difficult unsolved theoretical problems
currently facing computer scientists and theoretical
LIENS - LINKS<liens_math.html>
Binary Relations on Graphs Graceful
Graphs Even Cycles Graphs, Matrices, Isomorphism Mathmania
Part of Geometry in Action, a collection
of applications of computational geometry. David Eppstein,
Theory Group, ICS, UC Irvine.
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