Available software:
Galant (Graph Algorithm Animation Tool)
-- graph editing and graph algorithm animation, an updated version of
GDR (see below) with almost all of GDR's features and more, along with a
modern user interface (GDR is black and white and editing is very
crude). Technical report and documentation are included with the
GDR -- A graph editing and graph algorithm animation tool. To download the current version, click here: GDR-1.2.9.zip.
This has added animations and bug fixes as of 2007/05/14. Current
animations include: depth-first search, breadth-first search,
biconnected components, two minimum spanning tree algorithms, shortest
paths, state minimization
in finite automata, and bipartite graph edge crossing minimization.
The conference paper that describes the initial design and implementation of GDR is also available.
Two-Layer edge-crossing minimization software (see Heuristics, Experimental Subjects, and Treatment Evaluation in
Bigraph Crossing Minimization in JEA, 2001). To download: SBG_Software.tar.gz.
Multilayer edge-crossing minimization software (see A
Heuristic for Bottleneck Crossing Minimizationand its Performance on
General Crossing Minimization:Hypothesis and Experimental Study in JEA, 2012).
-- a program for designing and proving correctness of finite-state
automata. ProofChecker is accessible to both sighted and non-sighted
Software related to experiments with min-cost satisfiability problems, as reported most recently in a paper in Exp2007:
- software that implements int-dual (all-integer dual simplex), branch
and bound, and local search, along with scripts to run the program on
classes of instances
- CPLEX - a driver program and scripts to run CPLEX
- Utility scripts/programs - scripts and programs for translating formats, generating experimental data, etc.
A tarball including all of this software is 2007-ExpCS-Stallmann-Software.tar.gz,
which creates a directory with the same name having a subdirectory for
each of the three items listed above. This software can also be
downloaded in zip format as 2007-ExpCS-Stallmann-Software.zip